Monday, September 28, 2009

Making Some Extra Cash for the Holidays!

The holidays are just around the corner! And like me, many of you have started budgeting and shopping for your friends and family. Personally, I'm not one of those that makes sure my family & friends have all the new gadgets and gismos. I make a lot of homemade gifts, baked goods, etc. However, my son lives and breathes for Veggie Tales and my husband has done so much to help me out this year that he deserves a really great surprise (not to mention a stack of bills that we have to pay!) I'm planning now and doing what I can to make some extra cash for the holidays! Here are a list of some things that I'm doing personally, and I know that they work!

1. Craft Shows,Consignment Sales & Shops
Yes, the good old craft show. Even if you aren't crafty, I bet you could easily make a bunch of holiday fudge! (for a super easy recipe click here.) This takes some time, but it usually brings in enough cash to pay for all of my holiday expenses! I have 3 scheduled in the next few months.  I make homemade fudge, sugar scrubs and more. I also sell my books and I  like to "re-purpose" old things! I go to garage sales or thrift shops and find items that I can turn from "trash into treasure!" Then sell them at a show or a consignment shop. There are some great ideas on this site: Do a google search for other ideas!
DO NOT pay huge prices to enter a craft show! One of the shows I was looking at was charging $400 to enter! That is ridiculous! Never pay more than $100 (even that is a little high!) to be a vendor. The shows that I've entered are all between $35-$95. Having trouble finding a craft show that you can afford to enter? Get a group of ladies together from your church or Moms group who can bake or craft. Check with your church to see if you could host a show in the fellowship hall or have it at someone's home! Have each person chip in for advertising costs, fliers and signage. Ta-dah! You've created your own inexpensive craft show. Remember: word of mouth is always the best advertising!

2. Start an Etsy Shop
I feature "Mint" items in my shop: For more free information about starting an Etsy shop visit:  To purchase an Etsy Success guide full of tips & tricks to make the most of your Etsy shop, check out

3. Affiliate marketing!
Jackie Lee, a mom friend of mine, has just written a blue-print for using as an affiliate to earn cash for Christmas. If you do this correctly, the average person can spend 5-10 hours per week and make a few hundred dollars for the holidays! More time= more money! This blueprint is truly an ingenious plan that I am using myself! My husband and I are working on it together. To download her blueprint visit: To get one-on-one help from Jackie visit:

If you haven't already checked out our website, you will find a TON of other money making/ money saving "Ideas that Work"

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