Yes, our new blog is located at !!
We're so excited! Come visit for prizes, great WAHM info and more!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
♪♫ Online Christmas Boutique ♪♫ Final Feature w/ Abbey Fatica of Living My Moment!
♪♫ Make sure to run on over to and do some holiday shopping to support a hard-working Christian Mom and start crossing things off your list! Only 4 Days Left!!!
You'll find $5, $10, $20 Gifts and stocking stuffers.
And the best part? ...SHIPPING IS INCLUDED!! ♪♫
Today's featured
Christian Mom is
Abbey Fatica
Abbey's favorite family Christmas Recipe
Chocolate Crinkles
My mom has been making these for years and they are a holiday favorite in our family
1/2 cup vegetable oil
4 oz unsweetened baking chocolate, melted, cooled
2 cups granulated sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
4 eggs
2 cups Gold Medal® all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1. In large bowl, mix oil, chocolate, granulated sugar and vanilla. Stir in eggs, one at a time. Stir in flour, baking powder and salt. Cover; refrigerate at least 3 hours.
2. Heat oven to 350°F. Grease cookie sheet with shortening or cooking spray.
3. Drop dough by teaspoonfuls into powdered sugar; roll around to coat and shape into balls. Place about 2 inches apart on cookie sheets.
4. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until almost no imprint remains when touched lightly in center. Immediately remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks.
♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Christmas Notes from Abbey ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
Living My MoMent is hosting their first annual Holiday Gift Extravaganza! Some of our MoMbusinesses are featured in the extravaganza as a way to get more exposure for their company for the holiday season! Please come check it out and buy MoM during this holiday season. Many of the businesses involved are offering special discounts on their products so this would be the best time to buy! Thanks for your support and Have a Happy Holiday!
Note from MariLee: Abbey also has a new addition to her family since this picture was taken. Her son was born on THANKSGIVING DAY this year! Congrats, Abbey :-)
Check Out our Current Giveways:
Carlson Craft Greeting Cards
Kid's Craft Mat
$20 Shopping Spree
Mia Bella Candles
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Merry SITS~Mas! ♪♫ Online Christmas Boutique ♪♫
And the winner is: Midday Escapes!!!
Welcome to all My SITS Girls today!! Never heard of SITS? Hop on over to their site: to see what all the fuss is about! An amazing group of encouraging women!! Make sure to check out my special giveaway at the end of this post in honor of SITSMAS!!
Thanks for stopping by! For those of you who've never visited my blog before, please take a moment and check out all the amazing giveaways and yummy recipes we have had going on each day since November 15th! It has been so much fun! We are all about supporting Moms in Business! Merry Christmas Everyone!! I hope you'll take the time this year to focus on the TRUE meaning of Christmas: God Came Near, so that we might draw near to Him! He loves you desperately and wants to have a personal relationship with you!!
What's my site all about? Helping Moms have the opportunity to stay home with their kids, by teaching them how to create multiple streams of income from home! Our main site: Our site is geared for the Christian Mom, but there are ideas and resources for anyone wishing to make some extra money from home! We also offer PR & AD Packages including participation in our Mommy Bags and a monthly Digital Training Magazine!
We talk about all kinds of things over here on the blog: Groceries, Coupons, Saving Money, Giveaways, our faith in God, Making money from home, freelance writing and more! I hope you'll stop back and join us!
Special Giveaway:
A $20 Gift Certificate to Go Shopping with a MomBusiness from our site:
To Enter:
Leave a comment on this blog along w/ a way for us to contact you.
(IMPORTANT: leave a comment for EACH task you complete!)
1. Wish us a Merry SITS~Mas!
2. Tweet this on twitter: RT @mommybags Enter to win a $20 Christmas Shopping Gift Certificate!
3. Follow us on twitter: @mommybags
4. Find a MomBusiness on our site and comment back here about what you liked about her site!
5. Follow this blog!
6. Become a facebook fan of ( )
7. Make a purchase on our Online Christmas Boutique and receive 10 extra entries!!!!! Gifts start at just $5 and shipping is INCLUDED!
Would you like to win an INSTANT Mommy Bag full of goodies??
add our button to your blog! (To do this, copy our little house on the sidebar and paste it in your blog. Make sure you link it back to )
Every mom who does this will receive an automatic prize. To claim your Mommy Bag, You must e-mail me at with your name and a link to where the button is posted. Your links are checked randomly throughout the month. Our button must appear on your site the day we check your links to qualify for the Mommy Bag.
Entries will be accepted until Sunday 12/13/09 at 10:00pm MT. Winner will be announced and e-mailed Monday a.m
Welcome to all My SITS Girls today!! Never heard of SITS? Hop on over to their site: to see what all the fuss is about! An amazing group of encouraging women!! Make sure to check out my special giveaway at the end of this post in honor of SITSMAS!!
Thanks for stopping by! For those of you who've never visited my blog before, please take a moment and check out all the amazing giveaways and yummy recipes we have had going on each day since November 15th! It has been so much fun! We are all about supporting Moms in Business! Merry Christmas Everyone!! I hope you'll take the time this year to focus on the TRUE meaning of Christmas: God Came Near, so that we might draw near to Him! He loves you desperately and wants to have a personal relationship with you!!

We talk about all kinds of things over here on the blog: Groceries, Coupons, Saving Money, Giveaways, our faith in God, Making money from home, freelance writing and more! I hope you'll stop back and join us!
Big News: Online Christmas Boutique going on RIGHT NOW on our main site!
♪♫ Make sure to run on over to and do some holiday shopping to support a MomPreneur and start crossing things off your list!
You'll find $5, $10, $20 Gifts and stocking stuffers.
And the best part? ...SHIPPING IS INCLUDED!! ♪♫
Special Giveaway:
A $20 Gift Certificate to Go Shopping with a MomBusiness from our site:
To Enter:
Leave a comment on this blog along w/ a way for us to contact you.
(IMPORTANT: leave a comment for EACH task you complete!)
1. Wish us a Merry SITS~Mas!
2. Tweet this on twitter: RT @mommybags Enter to win a $20 Christmas Shopping Gift Certificate!
3. Follow us on twitter: @mommybags
4. Find a MomBusiness on our site and comment back here about what you liked about her site!
5. Follow this blog!
6. Become a facebook fan of ( )
7. Make a purchase on our Online Christmas Boutique and receive 10 extra entries!!!!! Gifts start at just $5 and shipping is INCLUDED!
Would you like to win an INSTANT Mommy Bag full of goodies??
add our button to your blog! (To do this, copy our little house on the sidebar and paste it in your blog. Make sure you link it back to )
Every mom who does this will receive an automatic prize. To claim your Mommy Bag, You must e-mail me at with your name and a link to where the button is posted. Your links are checked randomly throughout the month. Our button must appear on your site the day we check your links to qualify for the Mommy Bag.
Entries will be accepted until Sunday 12/13/09 at 10:00pm MT. Winner will be announced and e-mailed Monday a.m
Monday, December 7, 2009
♪♫ Online Christmas Boutique ♪♫ ~Day 19
And the winner is Nicole!
♪♫ Make sure to run on over to and do some holiday shopping to support a hard-working Christian Mom and start crossing things off your list!
You'll find $5, $10, $20 Gifts and stocking stuffers.
And the best part? ...SHIPPING IS INCLUDED!! ♪♫
Today's featured
Christian Mom is
Dana Udlock
"The Story of You"
Dana's favorite family Christmas Recipe
Ovenight Caramel French Toast
(awesome for Christmas morning, since you prepare it the night before!)
2 T. light corn syrup
1/2 c. butter
1 c. brown sugar
Simmer until syrupy. Pour over bottom of a 9 x 13 pan. Place 6 slices of bread on top.
6 eggs
1 1/2 c. milk
1 t. vanilla
Mix together. Pour half over the bread slices. Layer 6 more slices of bread over the first layer, and then pour remaining egg mixture over the top. Cover and refirgerate overnight. Bake at 350 uncovered for 45 minutes. Serves 6-8.
♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Christmas Notes from Dana ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
In this electronic age where email and IM dominate, a personal message on personalized stationery is a refreshing change and is sure to be noticed by both customers and family alike! I carry a wide selection of stationery products that are personalized for your business or social use. From thank you notes to invitations to business cards and sales aids (and everything in between), The Story of You lives up to its name and helps you tell your own story to those in your life!
Top Picks for the season:
In this season of list making, notepads are a necessity, and make great stocking stuffers, too! Thank you notes are always handy to have around--make sure you have an ample supply for December 25th activities. And I love sending personalized notecards with the name of my business on them, thanking my customers for their patronage after a large order!
I recently read somewhere that in marketing dollars, retaining customers is much less expensive than the amount you spend to solicit new customers. Repeat business is the name of the game! One of the best ways to do this is to send Christmas Cards to all of your clients! My personal favorite is to find a Christmas card that features a calendar, for if your client hangs it up on their wall, you have successfully created a reminder about your business that will last throughout the entire new year! Now thru December 15th, I am running a 20% discount on products (including calendar Christmas cards!) purchased from my website, After ordering, send me an email at and tell me where you heard about the special, and I will invoice you for the full 20% off.
Today's Giveway:
Set of 10 full color, gold or silver foil embellished birthday cards, complete with foil-lined envelopes. Produced by Carlson Craft, the leader in social stationery and invitations, the retail value of this package is $20! Perfect to start your new year off!
To Enter:
Leave a comment on this blog along w/ a way for us to contact you.
(IMPORTANT: leave a comment for EACH task you complete!)
1. Visit Dana's website and comment about how you would use some of this stationery in your business or everyday life:
2. Tweet this on twitter: RT @mommybags Enter to win a $20 pack of foil lined greeting cards from Carlson Craft
3. Follow us on twitter: @mommybags
4. Find a MomBusiness on our site and comment back here about what they offer on their site.
5. Follow this blog!
6. Become a facebook fan of ( )
7. Make a purchase on our Online Christmas Boutique and receive 10 extra entries!!!!! Gifts start at just $5 and shipping is INCLUDED!
Entries will be accepted until Sunday 12/13/09 at 10:00pm MT. Winner will be announced and e-mailed Monday a.m
Saturday, December 5, 2009
♪♫ Online Christmas Boutique ♪♫ ~Day 19~Weekend Review
Many of this week's giveaways will end TODAY! Make sure to go back and enter for each one! Start checking items of your Christmas Shopping List FAST! Many Blessings to each of you!!
♪ Mia Bella Candles
♪ Kid's Craft Mat
♪ Christmas Christian Romance Novel
♪ Reese Witherspoon's "In Bloom" Perfume (by Avon)
♪ $10 Starbucks Gift Card
♪ E-Mealz Giveaway & Holiday Meal Plan
♪ Mia Bella Candles
♪ Kid's Craft Mat
♪ Christmas Christian Romance Novel
♪ Reese Witherspoon's "In Bloom" Perfume (by Avon)
♪ $10 Starbucks Gift Card
♪ E-Mealz Giveaway & Holiday Meal Plan
♪♫ Make sure to run on over to and do some holiday shopping to support a hard-working MOMPRENEUR and start crossing things off your list!
You'll find $5, $10, $20 Gifts and stocking stuffers.
And the best part? ...SHIPPING IS INCLUDED!! ♪♫
♪♫ Online Christmas Boutique ♪♫ ~Day 18
Hi Moms! Are you enjoying the holiday season? I hope you are! My prayer for you is that you can slow down a little this year, and truly enjoy your family and get to the heart of what Christmas is all about!
This past week at my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting, we had a guest speaker come and talk about how her family of 7 makes the most of the holiday season each year. I want to share with you some of her ideas, in the hope that it will inspire you to make similar decisions in your own family!
This mother of 5 shared with us that they never had money around Christmas time, so they tried to find cheap or free activities that they could do each night in December to spend more time together and discover the true meaning of Christmas as a family. She encouraged all of us to (literally) "wrap up our T.V." for the whole month of December and make our own advent calendars. Each year, her family gets out the wrapping paper and covers over the T.V! Instead of watching the tube in December, they spend each night doing something fun & free (or cheap) as a family.
I encourage each of you to consider doing the same this year. Wrap up your television (or at least extremely limit time spent in front of the t.v.) and make a simple plan for each night in December. Here are some of the ideas that were shared: make a gingerbread house (we made ours with graham crackers and peanut butter!), go out for a lights tour with hot cocoa and popcorn in the car, camp out under the Christmas tree, dig up all of the lose change in your house and take it to various salvation army buckets around town, make a list of all the things you are thankful for, make and decorate homeade cards and goodies to give away!
Let this year be about giving instead of getting!!
Here's what its all about:
"But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord" Luke 2: 10-11
My friend Shara, of has written a great article called "A non materialistic entrepreneur's Christmas?" about the balance between giving and receiving gifts...with the focus on what's most important in life! I hope you will take a minute to read it!
Blessings to each of you this Christmas season!
Today's Giveaway:
Click HERE to enter for the E-Mealz Giveaway!
This past week at my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting, we had a guest speaker come and talk about how her family of 7 makes the most of the holiday season each year. I want to share with you some of her ideas, in the hope that it will inspire you to make similar decisions in your own family!
This mother of 5 shared with us that they never had money around Christmas time, so they tried to find cheap or free activities that they could do each night in December to spend more time together and discover the true meaning of Christmas as a family. She encouraged all of us to (literally) "wrap up our T.V." for the whole month of December and make our own advent calendars. Each year, her family gets out the wrapping paper and covers over the T.V! Instead of watching the tube in December, they spend each night doing something fun & free (or cheap) as a family.
I encourage each of you to consider doing the same this year. Wrap up your television (or at least extremely limit time spent in front of the t.v.) and make a simple plan for each night in December. Here are some of the ideas that were shared: make a gingerbread house (we made ours with graham crackers and peanut butter!), go out for a lights tour with hot cocoa and popcorn in the car, camp out under the Christmas tree, dig up all of the lose change in your house and take it to various salvation army buckets around town, make a list of all the things you are thankful for, make and decorate homeade cards and goodies to give away!
Let this year be about giving instead of getting!!
Here's what its all about:
"But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord" Luke 2: 10-11
My friend Shara, of has written a great article called "A non materialistic entrepreneur's Christmas?" about the balance between giving and receiving gifts...with the focus on what's most important in life! I hope you will take a minute to read it!
Blessings to each of you this Christmas season!
Today's Giveaway:
Click HERE to enter for the E-Mealz Giveaway!
Friday, December 4, 2009
♪♫ Online Christmas Boutique ♪♫ ~Day 17
And the winner is: Life's Journey
♪♫ Make sure to run on over to and do some holiday shopping to support a hard-working Christian Mom and start crossing things off your list!
You'll find $5, $10, $20 Gifts and stocking stuffers.
And the best part? ...SHIPPING IS INCLUDED!! ♪♫
Today's featured
Christian Mom is
Chantelle Buhre
Scent-sations, Inc.
(Mia Bella's Gourmet Candles)
Chantelle's favorite family Christmas Recipe
Cranberry Sauce
2 c. fresh cranberries
1 ½ c. water
Boil together until berries “pop”
1 (4oz) package of sugar free orange jello
Add powder to cranberry mixture
Cool but don’t chill
Add 1 c. crushed pineapple, drained
Stir in 8 tsp. Equal sweetener
Mix Well
Pour into 8” pan
Makes 8 servings
(WW=less than 1pt. each)
♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Christmas Notes from Chantelle ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
I am pleased to offer a product line that is both affordable and high in quality. My customers can choose from a wide selection of Jars, Votives or Wickless melts in over 90 scents….all within the $10-$25 price range.
The National Candle Association website mentions that candles are burned in 8 out of 10 US households. They are also highly appreciated when given as gifts for various occasions such as the holidays (76%), as a house warming gift (74%), a hostess/dinner party gift (66%), a thank you (61%) and as adult birthday gifts (58%).
Scented candles remain the most popular and affordable way to infuse your home with holiday ambiance. That’s why candles are taking the center stage in holiday decorating, gift giving and entertaining plans for 2009. They create an inviting home and bring back memories of years gone by.
My top product picks for the season would have to be our 16 or 26 oz. Gourmet Scented Jar Candles. Available in over 90 scents, they are certainly our “WOW” product because of the quality scent throw and clean way they burn. They have self-trimming wicks and liquefy evenly from top to bottom. They last hours longer than traditional wax varieties and smell absolutely fantastic!
Sales & Specials:
SNOW PLACE LIKE HOME: A comforting blend of warm spices combined with the sweet tart essence of cranberries makes this one a winner for those cozy fall and winter days.
Designer Jar Series, Includes holiday box & gift tag.
Buy 9, Get 3 Free (while supplies last, contact Chantelle via e-mail at:chantellebuhre[at]gmail[dot]com to receive this special offer!)
Receive 12 “Ready-to-Give” Gifts in one of our most popular Holiday scents!
Less than $20 per person!
(including tax &; shipping!!!)
You can check out all our products at
Today's Giveway:
Holiday Scent Sachets, a Catalog + $5 Candle Cash
Scent sachets work great in your purse, car, a drawer, locker or tote bag. One of our top holiday scents will be mailed to you along with a certificate for $5 in Candle Cash! Redeem your “Candle Cash” off any order of $5 or more!
To Enter:
Leave a comment on this blog along w/ a way for us to contact you.
(IMPORTANT: leave a comment for EACH task you complete!)
1. Visit Chantelle's Shop: and comment here with something you'd like to find under the tree this year!
2. Tweet this on twitter: RT @mommybags Enter to win Mia Bella Candles!
3. Follow us on twitter: @mommybags
4. Find a MomBusiness on our site and comment back here about what you like about it!
5. Follow this blog!
6. Become a facebook fan of ( )
7. Make a purchase on our Online Christmas Boutique and receive 10 extra entries!!!!! Gifts start at just $5 and shipping is INCLUDED!
If you'd like to win even MORE candles for Christmas, Chantelle is hosting a separate giveaway on her website here: Enter to Win a Free 16oz. Jar candle and a Bella Bar given away each week.
Entries for our own giveaway will be accepted until Sunday 12/13/09 at 10:00pm MT. Winner will be announced and e-mailed Monday a.m
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